Friday, January 15, 2010

Wow. I started this blog with the best intentions. I built it, made it pretty, and then totally BAILED. Well, it's a new year and I'm ersolved again to write. For myself and maybe even for other people. If they can find me...


Insert sounds of crickets chirping.

I suppose I should share a little bit about myself. I am a working mom who is older than she'd like to be and younger than most of the people around her. I have a sweet and loving boyfriend who happens to be 14 years younger than I am. And while that doesn't cause problems most of the time, it is probably our stickiest problem. And let's face it, he's hot. But don't call me a cougar because I will kick your ass. Seriously. We live with my two kids who are in that sweetspot of childhood, older than babies but younger than teenagers.

Anyway, I hope to figure out soon how this little blog thingy works soon. Wish me luck!

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