Nobody move. Slowly, put down the remote control. Turn off the TV. And listen up.
Never date a smoker. If you have to date a smoker, then do NOT date a smoker when they are attempting to quit smoking. And if you have to date a smoker when they are quitting, do not under any circumstances attempt to engage with them in any normal meaningful way. Crabby goes to a whole new level when you are coughing up hunks of tar from your lungs.
My guy has been a smoker since the ripe ole age of 19. Popped out his binky and popped in a ciggy. Barely out of his pull-ups and he starts on the cancer sticks. I love him but I do not love his bad habit. He hasn't figured out yet that smoking just makes you look stupid. Who else but the truly mentally deficient would choose to suck toxins into their personal air bags.
Luckily he's holding up well. He's playing games with his brother and eating lots of cereal. I mean lots of cereal. Thank God for Honey Bunches of Oats. I'll just have to watch and make sure he doesn't try to role them up in a nappy and smoke 'em.
Never date a smoker. If you have to date a smoker, then do NOT date a smoker when they are attempting to quit smoking. And if you have to date a smoker when they are quitting, do not under any circumstances attempt to engage with them in any normal meaningful way. Crabby goes to a whole new level when you are coughing up hunks of tar from your lungs.
My guy has been a smoker since the ripe ole age of 19. Popped out his binky and popped in a ciggy. Barely out of his pull-ups and he starts on the cancer sticks. I love him but I do not love his bad habit. He hasn't figured out yet that smoking just makes you look stupid. Who else but the truly mentally deficient would choose to suck toxins into their personal air bags.
Luckily he's holding up well. He's playing games with his brother and eating lots of cereal. I mean lots of cereal. Thank God for Honey Bunches of Oats. I'll just have to watch and make sure he doesn't try to role them up in a nappy and smoke 'em.