Gah, I hate getting older. Hate it like break-your-finger-nails-trying-to-hold-on-to-youth kind of hate. If I could put a strangle hold on time I would. Believe me.
I take little solace in the fact that everyone is subject to getting older. I look at pictures of my friends, my aunts, uncles, and parents and I see that we are all caught in this web. I understand that for some people they are really okay with this aging thing. Blah blah blah, go back to your knitting honey because this sista is NOT OKAY with it. Not one bit. When it comes right down to it, how I feel about aging is all about me. And I think it sucks balls.
For the better part of my life, even into my thirties, I was told I was "too young." Too young to date, too young to be a writer, too young to manage, too young to make that much money, too young to understand, too young to be taken seriously. So why is it that I feel like I suddenly woke up at age 39 and realized that the tables had completely turned. Now I'm on the slippery slope to old age.
Note to my friends: this is not a pathetic plea to tell me how good I look. Seriously, I understand that I look younger than my years. But my darlins' what the fuck are we going to do about this problem? Screw world peace, we are talking about inner peace here!
Luckily, I fully believe that while we cannot control the number of candles on the birthday cake we can control how we manifest age. We can control our health (for the most part), what we eat and drink, how much we move, what we put on our skin and hair, how much time we spend in the sun. Thank God for that.
So come with me... slather on your hexipeptides, coat yourself in sunscreen, and join the anti-aging revolution. Share your secrets and I'll share mine. And maybe, just maybe, we can turn back the hands of time... even just a little.
I take little solace in the fact that everyone is subject to getting older. I look at pictures of my friends, my aunts, uncles, and parents and I see that we are all caught in this web. I understand that for some people they are really okay with this aging thing. Blah blah blah, go back to your knitting honey because this sista is NOT OKAY with it. Not one bit. When it comes right down to it, how I feel about aging is all about me. And I think it sucks balls.
For the better part of my life, even into my thirties, I was told I was "too young." Too young to date, too young to be a writer, too young to manage, too young to make that much money, too young to understand, too young to be taken seriously. So why is it that I feel like I suddenly woke up at age 39 and realized that the tables had completely turned. Now I'm on the slippery slope to old age.
Note to my friends: this is not a pathetic plea to tell me how good I look. Seriously, I understand that I look younger than my years. But my darlins' what the fuck are we going to do about this problem? Screw world peace, we are talking about inner peace here!
Luckily, I fully believe that while we cannot control the number of candles on the birthday cake we can control how we manifest age. We can control our health (for the most part), what we eat and drink, how much we move, what we put on our skin and hair, how much time we spend in the sun. Thank God for that.
So come with me... slather on your hexipeptides, coat yourself in sunscreen, and join the anti-aging revolution. Share your secrets and I'll share mine. And maybe, just maybe, we can turn back the hands of time... even just a little.
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