This last weekend visiting Mike's fam in SLO, I had the chance to go through his grandma's old scrapbooks. What an amazing opportunity to experience the past. All of my own grandparents are dead and they perhaps were not the scrapbooking types, so I got nothin'. Grandma Patrick had so many amazing pictures of her friends in the 1940s. They look so happy and free. Much like we are now, but it's hard for me to picture how it must have been at that time with the war in Europe and soldiers off fighting (Grandpa Patrick included). And having to wear nylons and corsets all the time.
Look at these faces. I feel like they have so much to say. And I must add that these pictures were TINY. Like 1 inch across. Talk about wallet size!

I especially fell in love with the friend in the first picture of this post. She was smiling like a maniac in all of her photos. And making cheesey poses and faces too. I want to be just like her when I grow up.
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